Boost your career with the CCEE Market Operator Certification.
The Head Energia Signature has a direct route to approval.
Heads approved in 2022
20 of the 80 certified professionals were annual subscribers to Head Energia!
Heads approved in 2023
31 of the 73 certified professionals are annual subscribers to Head Energia!
Content organized, updated and taught by experts in the electrical sector who are references on the topic.
The Preparatory Course for Market Operator Certification, included in the Annual Subscription, offers:
Video classes recorded and organized according to the items in the Notice
Checklists for you to organize your studies
Written material to complement the study
Simulations: questions from previous tests and new questions
E-book with solved and commented questions from the 2019, 2021 and 2022 test
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Discover the content of the Trail that will help you receive the CCEE Market Operator Certification here:
Module 1: Energy Contracting Environments - Electrical Sector Agents - 3 types of consumers in the Electrical Sector - Free Consumer - Special Consumer - Purchase and sale of energy - Relevant Points - Marketing - Auction Types - Obligation to serve 100% of the market - Declaration of Need for Distributors Leilão de Energia Nova (LEN) - Existing Energy Auction (LEE) - Adjustment Auction (LAj) - Alternative Source Auctions (LFA) - Power Supply - Structuring Auction - Contracting for Distributed Generation, Proinfa, Itaipu, Angra 1 and 2, Usinas Quotas and others - Cost Benefit Index (ICB) - Involuntary Overhiring and Involuntary Exposure - Bilateral Agreements - Migration Requirements - Structure and role of the seller (front, middle and back offices) - Energy Trading Models - Forward and Future Contracts - Energy Trading Models - Option Contracts - Energy Trading Models - Swap - Energy Negotiation Models - Assignment of Amounts - Energy Negotiation Models - Modulation, Seasonalization and Flexibility - Retail Agent - Main concepts - Retail Agent - Criteria for marketing - Retail Agent - Aspects of dismissal - Retail Agent - Don't confuse! - Retail Agent - The Retailer in the Modernization of the Electrical Sector - Reserve Energy - Context - Reserve Energy Auctions (LER) - Contractual Relations and Reserve Energy Account - Contracting of Plants for Proinfa
Module 2: Short-Term Pricing - Operator's Dilemma - Operation Planning Problem - Aspects that influence the PLD Formation and calculation of the PLD - Part I - Aspects that influence the PLD Formation and calculation of the PLD - Part II - Formation and calculation of PLD - NEWAVE - DECOMP - DESSEM - The importance of PLD in the sectoral model - Volatility of PLD - Dispatch out of order of merit - PLD Regulatory Limits - System Service Charge - Part I - System Service Charge - Part II - PLD Timetable and its implications (class taught during the Electrical Sector Regulation Professional Journey, in June 2021)
Module 3: Training on Prices in the ACL and Tariffs in the ACR - Contextualizing the need for regulated tariffs in ACR - Interconnection of Tariff Concepts - Overview of Tariff Processes - Overview of Parcels A and B - Pay close attention to the PRORET version! - Factor X - Periodic Tariff Review (RTP) - Annual Tariff Adjustment (RTA) - Extraordinary Tariff Revision (RTE) - Overview and Fare Structure - Tariff Structure - Energy Tariff (TE) - Tariff Structure - Distribution System Usage Tariff (TUSD) - Tariff Flags (before the Water Scarcity Flag) - Conta Bandeiras - Tariff Subsidies - Energy Development Account (CDE) - Formation of Contract Prices in ACL
Module 4: Regulatory and Institutional Environment - Introduction to Electricity Sector Governance - National Congress - Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) - Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee (CMSE) - National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) - National Electrical System Operator (ONS) - Electrical Sector Associations - National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) - Assignments - National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) - Operation - Energy Research Company (EPE) - Ten-Year Energy Plan (PDE) - National Energy Plan 2050 (PNE) - Electricity Trading Chamber (CCEE) - Relevant Trading Rules - Moving Average - Relevant Marketing Rules - Effectiveness of Contracts, Guarantees and Financial Settlements
Módulo 5: Riscos em Energia - Identificação e Gestão - Hedger, Especulador e Arbitrador - Categorias de Risco - Parte I - Categorias de Risco - Parte II - Gestão de Riscos - Parte I - Gestão de Riscos - Parte II - Agentes e Fatores de Riscos
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